Delhi Pollution Control Committee

Government of NCT of Delhi

Construction & Demolition Waste

Construction & Demolition Waste

Construction and Demolition Waste Management Rules, 2016
  1. Earlier Construction and Demolition Waste was covered under the then existing Municipal Solid Wastes (Management and Handling) Rules, 2000.Ministry of Environment, Forest and climate change, Govt of India, has issued Notification No. G.S.R 445(E) Dated 29.03.2016 [published in the Gazette of India Ext. Pt II S.3(ii) on 27.04.2016] in respect of "Construction and Demolition Waste Management Rules, 2016". These Rules came into force with effect from 27.04.2016 (date of publication in Gazette of India).
  2. These Rules are applicable to every waste resulting from Construction, re-modelling, repair and demolition of any civil structure of individual or organization or Authority who generates construction and demolition waste such as building materials, debris,rubble. As per the said Rules, Delhi Pollution Control Committee is to grant Authorisation to Construction and Demolition Waste Processing Facility about 3448 TPD of Construction and Demolition Waste is generated in Delhi as per Annual Report for 2021-2022. There are following four Construction and Demolition Waste Processing Facilities operating in Delhi:           


S.No. Name of Facility Capacity (TPD) Contact Details
1. M/s Indo Enviro Integrated Solutions Limited, Shastri Park 1000

Mr. Shajahan Ali,Vice President

Mob:-+91 9566233928


M/s Indo Enviro Integrated Solutions Limited, Mundka

(DMRC Site)

Mr. Shajahan Ali,Vice President

Mob:-+91 9566233928

3. M/s Indo Enviro Integrated Solutions Limited, Pocket I-2, Industrial Area Rohini, Phase V at Ranikhera 1000

Mr. Shajahan Ali,Vice President

Mob:-+91 9566233928

4. M/s Rise Eleven Delhi Waste Management Co.,Bakkarwala Village 1000

Mr. Manoj Saxena, Director

Mob:-+91 9810883930


5. M/s Indo Enviro Integrated Solutions Limited, Mundka (DMRC Site)  150

Mr. Shajahan All, Vice President

Mob:-+91 9566233928






3. Processing of Construction and Demolition Waste consists of:

      • Receiving of Construction and Demolition Waste at site
      • Weighing(weigh bridge provided near gate/office)
      • Grading( loose soil to landfill and road building)
      • Sizing unit/breaking/processing
      • Output [different sizes of aggregates, used in block making/ tiles making, road building, landfill, RMC(Ready Mix Concreate)].


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