ENGAGEMENT OF CONSULTANTS ON CONTRACTUAL BASIS [Advertisement] [Detail Advertisement] [Application Form]
ENGAGEMENT OF TRAINEES ON CONTRACTUAL BASIS [Advertisement] [Detail Advertisement] [Application Form]
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) on Recruitment of Assistant Environmental Engineers in DPCC through the list of Non - recommend candidates of UPSC ESE 2023 - reg.
Directions for installing the real time electronic display board for PM 10 and PM 2.5 display at Construction site/project to make the information to available to general public and providing electric heater to construction workers at site.
Following employees are hereby instructed to complete the form 'Particulars of Bank' with self attestation for updation in service book and submit it to the Admin Branch by January 10,2025 without fail.
The draft Recruitment Rules (RRs) for the post of Junior Assistant in DPCC website.
The draft Recruitment Rules (RRs) for the post of Administrative Officer in DPCC website.
1. Copy of Advertisment Published in Newspapers
2. Copy of Letters being issued to the Candidates
3. Prescribed Application from for the Post of Assistant Enviromental Engineer (AEE)
5. RRs to the Post of Assistant Enviromental Engineer (AEE)
Rolling Advertisement for Recruitment of various posts on (i) By deputation & (ii) By deputation (including short term contract) in DPCC.
All officers and staff were directed to maintain punctuality and mark the attendance through biometric attendance system.
Proceedings of Public Hearing for Environmental Clearance for "Proposed Waste to Energy
Project (30 MW), adjacent to TSDF for Hazardous Waste, Sector 5 Bawana, Delhi -1 10039 by
M/s Jindal Urban Waste Management (Bawana) Limited " held on 27.12.2024. -
Proceeding of Public hearing for Enviromental Clearance of Construction of a Road Tunnel for NH-148E with its approach and connection to NH-248BB in NCT of Delhi by M/s National Highway Authority of India (NHAI) in New Delhi and South Districts of DELHI.
Notification dated 16-12-2024 regarding method of recruitment for the post of Senior Assistant (erstwhile Upper Division Clerk) in the DPCC.
Tender for Supply, Installation and Commissioning of Online Monitoring Station (OLMS) for 5 Years of Operation and Maintenance
Public Notice in English in Times of India published on 26.11.2024
Public Notice in Hindi in Navbharat Times published on 26.11.2024
"Public Hearing for Environmental Clearance for “Proposed Waste to Energy Project (30 MW), adjacent to TSDF for Hazardous Waste, Sector 5 Bawana, Delhi -110039 by M/s Jindal Urban Waste Management (Bawana) Limited, Delhi.” [Executive Summary English] [Excutive Summary Hindi] [EIA Report New WtE Bawana] [Draft EIA Report Annexures]
"The Public can also participate in the proceedings of the Public Hearing on 27.12.2024 between 11:00 AM to 01:00 PM at Proposed Waste to Energy Project (30 MW), adjacent to TSDF for Hazardous Waste, Sector 5 Bawana, Delhi -110039.Suggestions / Views / Comments / Objections / Responses, if any, with respect to the above mentioned Project are invited from the Public / Interested Persons within 30 days from the date of publication of this Public Notice and the same can be submitted in writing to the Member Secretary, Delhi Pollution Control Committee, 5th Floor, ISBT Building, Kashmere Gate, Delhi -110006 or through Email at msdpcc@nic.in by 26.12.2024."
Rolling Advertisement for Recruitment of various posts on (i) By deputation & (ii) By deputation (including short term contract) in DPCC.
Directions u/s 31 (A) of Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981, read with Rule 20 (A)(6) of the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) (Union Territories) Rules, 1983, to ban manufacturing, storage, sale (including delivery through online Marketing platforms) and bursting of all kinds of "firecrackers" in NCT of Delhi.
"Public Notice issued by DPCC in various Newspapers on 11.10.2024 regarding invitation for conducting" "Study to analyse impact of Enhanced Treatment Capacity of STPs of Delhi Jal Board and Utilization of the Capacity of STPs on the Water Quality of River Yamuna in Delhi ". (Last Date of Submission of Willingness & Proposal is 26.10.2024)
Notice Inviting Tender (NIT) through e-Procurement
The Ministry of Enviornment, Forest and Climate change, Govt. of India has notified the Battery Waste Management Rules, 2022 on 22-08-2022 Which are effective from the date of their publication in the Official Gazette on 24-08-2022.
Public Hearing regarding “Construction of a road tunnel for NH-148E with its approach and connection to NH-248BB in NCT of Delhi by M/s. National Highway Authority of India PIU, Dwarka.” [English Public Notice] [Hindi Public Notice] [ Draft EIA Report] [Executive Summary English] [ Executive Summary Hindi]
Tender for Comprehensive Operation &Maintenance of Supersite & Mobile Lab
Direction u/s 33A of the water act, 1974 as amended to date for the effective implementation of guidelines for the immersion of idols on the festive occasion of Ganeshotsav and Durga Pooja etc.
Directions u/s 33A of the Water (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 as amended to date for the effective implementation of guidlines for immersion of idols on the festive occasion of Ganseshotsav and Durga Pooja etc. in accordance with the revised guidelines of CPCB issued in May 2020
Filling up of Vacant Posts on (i) By deputation (ii) By deputation in DPCC
Re-Tender for Supply, Installation and Commissioning of Online Monitoring Station (OLMS) for 5 Years of Operation and Maintenance
Recruitment on (i) By deputation and (ii) By deputation (including short term contract)
Training held on 26-06-2024 organised by Directorate of Training : UTCS ,Govt.of NCT of Delhi of Sensitising the in-house officers (DMs/SDMs/DANICS Officers).
List of Shortlisted Candidates Called for Interview for the post of Assistant Environmental Engineers (AEES) in DPCC
जल, अपशिष्ट जल, वायु और शोर के पर्यावरण नमूनों के परीक्षण के लिए प्रयोगशालाएँ।
Tender for Supply, Installation and Commissioning of Online Monitoring Station (OLMS) for 5 Years of Operation and Maintenance.
Book Inventory of major point air pollution sources in Delhi merged
SOP of seizure and disposal of non - Permissible Plastic Carry bags/sheets/banned SUP items.
List of manufacturers certified for RECD applicable to Diesel Genset Engines (Up to 800 kW) for different capacity ranges
Noted dated 14-03-2024 regarding Registration of Producers Importers and Brand - Owner PIBOs and Plastic Waste Management Processors (PWPs) on Centralized Producer Responsibility (EPR) Ports for Plastic Packaging.
PWM second amendment Notification dated 14-03-2024.
PWM second amendment Notification dated 30-10-2023.
Order dated 22-02-2024 Amendments to direction No. 76 dated 29-09-2023 - Regulated Use to DG Sets-reg.
Order dated 29-09-2023 Direction uder section 12 of the Commision for Air Quality Management in National Capital Region and Adjoining area Act, 2021 Review of regulations for use of DG sets in NCR.
Laboratories for testing of environment samples of Water, Waste Water, Air and Noise.
Issues Related To Air Pollution for effective department coordination(DEC 23)
Issues Related To Air Pollution for effective department coordination(JAN 24)
The category wise result/merit of Trainees on the basis of written test conducted on 17/12/2023. The shortlisted candidates on basis of merit (highest mark obtained) in respective category- wise shall be called shortly by intimating them through email.
Action taken against units in non-confirming areas of Delhi by Joint Team Consisting of MCD, DPCC, Revenue, TPDDL/BSES & DJB from 28-04-2023 to 03-12-2023
DPCC Trainees Exam is Scheduled to be Held on 17.12.2023 (SUNDAY) - Admit Cards has been uploaded on DPCC website. Please click here the download the admit card.
Rouse Avenue- Sarvodaya Bal Vidyalaya, Deen Dayal Upadhyay Marg Delhi -110002.
The Question Papers will be in English Language having 100 Questions of two marks each of Objective types (Four options for each Question without Negative marking). The Question Papers may be divided in Three Parts as follows:
a) General Awareness (20 Questions of Two Marks each)
b) Quantitative Aptitude & Reasoning (20 Questions of Two Marks each)
c) Question in Related Field (Environment / IT /Legal) (60 Questions of Two Marks each)
Answers to the Question will be tick marked only in the Box provided against each Question.
DPCC Trainees Exam is Scheduled to be Held on 17.12.2023 (SUNDAY) - Admit Cards has been uploaded on DPCC website. Please click here the download the admit card.
Recruitment of Group-'A' Posts of Assistant Envoirmental Engineers in DPCC Govt. of NCT Delhi
1. Copy of Advertisment published in Newspapers
2. Copy of Letters issued being issued to the Candidates.
3. Prescribed Application for the Post of Assistant Enviormental Engineers.
4. List of 'not - recommended Candidates of Engineering Service Examination (ESE), 2022' as available on the UPSC website.
5. RRs of Assistant Enviroment Engineer (AEE)
Final report dated 30-09-2023 of IIT Bombay, Outdoor Air Cleaning System at Connaught Place, Delhi.(Send feedback on dpcccmc6@gmail.com).
Real-Time Source Apportionment and Forecasting for Advance Air Pollution Management in Delhi, report dated 25-09-2023
List of agencies certified for RECD applicable to Diesel Generators (Up to 1000 KVA) for different capacity Ranges as of 30-08-2023
To Review progress in implementation of Action Plan & Vetting of Status Report to be filed before Hon’ble NGT
Direction u/s 31 (A) of Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act,1981, read with Rule 20(A) (6) of the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) (Union Territories) Rules, 1983, to ban manufacturing, storage, sale (including delivery through online Marketing Platforms) and bursting of all Kinds of firecrackers in NCT of Delhi.
Measure to enhance Cyber Security within the Goverment.
Anti-Dust Campaign for implementation of Winter Action Plan
Review of Green War Room by Chief Secretary, GNCTD
Stakeholders Consultation To Control Air Pollution in Delhi held on 27.09.2023
Monitoring of Dust Mitigation Measures “CONSTRUCTION AND DEMOLITION SITES” and Dust Mitigation measures (HINDI)
Directions u/s33 A of the Water Act 1974 as amended to date for the Implemention of guidelines for Impresion of idols of the festive occasion of Ganeshotsav and Durga Pooja etc.
Minutes of the Meeting to review the status of certification of RECD for DG sets upto 800 kW held on 17.08.2023 at the Commission for Air Quality Management in the NCR and Adjoining Areas, New Delhi.
ADVISORY FROM THE COMMISSION Regarding Regulations for use of DG sets in NCR.
Directions under Section 12 of the Commission for Air Quality Management in National Capital Region and Adjoining Areas Act, 2O2l - Regulations for use of DG sets in NCR.
Hackathon invitation in collaboration with DPCC with reference to Mission LiFE. (*Click here for Hackathon details , Mission LiFE Brochure and Mission LiFE Pledge )
Applications are invited for engagement of Trainees on stipend basis(Advertisement uploded on 11-08-2023). (EXTENSION)
Directions under section 12 of CAQM in NCR &AA Act, 2021' lmplementation of Graded Response Action Plan (GRAP) for NCR including NCT of Delhi (Revised in July,2023)
Tender for setting up of Additional Common Bio-Medical Waste Treatment & disposal Facility stands cancelled.
Directions u/s 33 A of the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 as amended to date for the effective implementation of guidelines for immersion of idols on the festive occasion of Ganeshotsav-2022 and Durga Pooja etc. in accordance with the revised guidelines of CPCB issued in May 2020.
Circular for filling up of vacant posts on deputation basis in Delhi Pollution Control Committee.
Directions u/s 33(A) of Water (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 read along with Rule 34 (6) of Water (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Rules, 1975.
Request for presentation for Online water quality monitoring system and water quality mobile van has been recheduled on 27.06.2023.
Applications are invited for engagement of Trainees on stipend basis(Advertisement uploded on 14-06-2023).
Directions under Section 12 of the Commission for Air Quality Management in NCR and Adjoining Areas Act, 2021 (Direction No. 73) - Regulation of use of DG sets in NCR.
Office Order dated 11-05-2023 regarding Mission LiFE.
Engagement of Consultants on Contractual Basis (Last date extended till 29.06.2023). [Public Notice]
Public Consultation for Project “Expansion of Waste to Energy Plant from 24 MW to 60 MW by M/s Delhi MSW Solutions Limited at Tehsil Narela, District North, Delhi (in the Integrated Municipal Solid Waste Management Facility at Bawana, Delhi).
Awareness about the thickness w.r.t. Carry Bags made of virgin or recycled plastic shall not be less than 120 microns in thickness w.e.f. 31st December, 2022 and w.r.t. enforcement of 19 banned SUP commodities and other amendments. [ [English Public Notice] [Hindi Public Notice]
Request for Proposals for identification of dust laden roads.
Public Consultation for Environmental Clearance for the Project “Expansion of Waste to Energy Plant from 24 MW to 60 MW by M/s Delhi MSW Solutions Limited at Tehsil Narela, District North, Delhi (in the Integrated Municipal Solid Waste Management Facility at Bawana, Delhi).
Public Notice [English] [Hindi], TOR, Executive Summary [English] [Hindi], Draft EIA Report [Vol I] [Vol II]
Issues related to Air Pollution for effecting Inter Departmental Co-ordination.
Proposal for study entitled "Study for water consumption, pollution potential and treatment plants capacity installed by the small-scale Dying/ washing of jeans/ garments or Metal Surface Treatment units in Delhi"
Request for Proposals for identification of dust laden roads.
Order dated 07-12-2022 regarding revocation of actions under stage III ('severe'Air Quality) of GRAP and intensifying actions under Stage-I & Il of revised Graded Response Action Plan.
Order dated 04-12-2022 regarding implementation of Actions under Stage-III (‘Severe’ Air Quality) of revised Graded Response Action Plan in Delhi-NCR steps to be taken.
Progress in Rejuvenation of River Yamuna- October 2022
Order dated 06-11-2022 regarding implementation of Actions under Stage-III (‘Severe’ Air Quality) of revised Graded Response Action Plan in Delhi-NCR- steps to be taken.
Direction dated 03-11-2022 under section 31(A) of Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981, read with Rule 20(A)(6) of the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) (Union Territories) Rules, 1983, to stop entry of trucks traffic into Delhi, ban on plying of Delhi registered diesel operated MGVs, HGVs & LMVs, closing down of industries and ban on C&D activities in linear projects with immediate effect in Delhi.
Order dated 03-11-2022 regarding implementation of actions under Stage-IV ('Severe+' Air Quality) of revised Graded Response Action Plan in Delhi-NCR- steps to be taken.
Directions dated 29-10-2022 under section 31(A) of Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981, read with Rule 20(A)(6) of the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) (Union Territories) Rules, 1983, to enforce strict ban on construction activity in GNCTD in terms of the direction dated 29-10-2022 issued by Commission for Air Quality Management in National Capital Region and Adjoining areas, in pursuance of the Revised Graded Response Action Plan (GRAP).
Assessment of Ambient Air Quality during Deepawali (Year 2022)
Applications invited for engagement of Trainees on stipend basis.
Directions dated 29-08-2022 u/s 33 A of the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 as amended to date for the effective implementation of guidelines for immersion of idols on the festive occasion of Ganeshotsav-2022 and Durga Pooja etc. in accordance with the revised guidelines of CPCB issued in May 2020.
Proceedings of Public Hearing for Environmental Clearance for the Project "Expansion of Waste to Energy Plant up to 40 MW at Old NDMC Compost Plant, Behind CRRI, Okhla, New Delhi-110025 by M/s Timarpur Okhla Waste Management Company Ltd." held on 16-08-2022 at Sarvodaya Kanya Vidyalaya/ Govt. Boys Senior Secondary School (Ram Krishna), Madanpur Khadar, Delhi- 110076.
Establishment of control room to monitor Enforcement of SUP Ban. [English Public Notice] [Hindi Public Notice] [Office Order]
Stall allocation List for Plastic Vikalp Mela to be held from 01st July to 3rd July 2022
Prohibition on Manufacture, Import, Stocking, Distribution, Sale and Use of Single Use Plastic w.e.f. 1st July 2022.
Guidelines by CPCB for Utilisation of Treated Effluent in Irrigation
Order dated 02-03-2022 regarding Prescribed Inlet Water Quality Standards and Prescribed standard for Treated Effluent Quality for all 13 CETPs in Delhi.
Public Notice regarding Single Use Plastic (Plastic Waste Management Rules)
Letter dated 06-10-2021 regarding status of Air Pollution control measures/ device.
Inspection teams of stakeholder departments for air pollution control
DCB, DDA, Development Department, DJB, DMRC, DPCC, DSIIDC, East MCD, IFCD, NDMC, North MCD, PWD, South MCD - "Model Areas Declared by respective ULB's"
- "Graded Response Action Plan dated 12/01/2017."
- White Category- Regarding Auto Approval.
- Groundwater Management
- Reports and Publications
- Dust Pollution Control Self Assessment
- MISSION LiFE - LiFEStyle For Environment
- Office Order & Circulars
- E-Office Login
- Green Delhi App Officer Login
- OCMMS Dashboard
- Command and Control Centre for CEMS
- CPCB empaneled laboratories
- Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change
- NABL accredited laboratories
- Admin for MHA portal
- Request for proposals for Paddy Straw Pelletisation plants
- Portal for Financing Structure of Pelletisation and Torrefaction Plant
- Awareness and Action Kit for Citizens and RWAs for a Cleaner Delhi
- River Rejuvenation Committee (RRC) Delhi
- Ease of Doing Business
- Real Time Air Quality Data
- Real Time Noise Monitoring Data
- www. email.gov.in
- Citizen Charter
- Employee Corner
- Tender & Notices
- Empanelled Agencies
- Compliance of Hon’ble SC Order- Air Pollution
- Best Practices
- Management of Covid19 Waste in Delhi
- FAQs
- Downloadable Forms
- Miscellaneous Information